Scientific Papers
Costa, A. C., Freitas, D., Santos, A. I., Botelho, A. Z., Parente, M. I., Behr, A., Rodrigues, A. M., Guerra, H., Cascalho, J., & Mendes, A. (2024). Where is ocean literacy in oceanic islands’ schools? The Azores case. Marine Policy, 163, 106062.
André Behr, Armando Mendes, Paulo Trigo, José Cascalho, Hélia Guerra, Ana Costa, Manuela Parente, Andrea Botelho, & Rosa Vicari. (2021). Recommending Metadata Contents for Learning Objects Through Linked Data. PAAMS Workshops 2021: Highlights in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Social Good. The PAAMS Collection, 1472, 115–126.
André Behr, Diana Freitas, José Cascalho, & Armando B. Mendes. (2023). A toolkit for Re-Mar to Enhance Classroom Ocean Literacy. Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education, 446–453.
André Behr, Helia Guerra, Paulo Trigo, Luis Cavique, Helder Coelho, Rosa Vicari, Armando Mendes, & Jose Cascalho. (2022). Bringing Underused Learning Objects to the Light: A Multi-Agent based Approach. LNAI-Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 21st EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon, Portugal.
Armando B. Mendes, José M.V.R. Cascalho, Rosa Maria Viccari, Ana Cristina M.R.Costa, Luiz H. L. Rossi, Cláudia Faria, Andrea Z. C. Botelho, Manuela I. Parente, & Paulo Novo Neves. (2019). O padrão OBAA no desenvolvimento de repositórios de objetos de aprendizagem: O caso de literacia dos oceanos nos Açores. Revista de Ciências Da Computação, 14, 51–66.
ARMANDO MENDES, ANA COSTA, JOSÉ CASCALHO, ANDREA BOTELHO, MANUELA PARENTE, & HÉLIA GUERRA. (2020). SEA-THINGS: A project to improve the ocean literacy in the Azores. Arquipelago – Life and Marine Sciences. Supplement 11, 51–52.
Behr, A., Cascalho, J., Guerra, H., Costa, A., Parente, M., Botelho, A., Vicari, R., & Mendes, A. (2021). Re-Mar: Repository of Marine Learning Objects. Anais Do Workshop de Computação Aplicada à Gestão Do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais (WCAMA), 137–146.
Behr, A., Mendes, A., Cascalho, J., Rossi, L., Vicari, R., Trigo, P., Novo, P., Cavique, L., & Guerra, H. (2021). Enhancing Learning Object Repositories with Ontologies. In Á. Rocha, H. Adeli, G. Dzemyda, F. Moreira, & A. M. Ramalho Correia (Eds.), Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies (Vol. 1368, pp. 463–472). Springer International Publishing.
Cascalho, J., Mendes, A., Ramos, A., Pedro, F., Bonito, N., Almeida, D., Augusto, P., Leite, P., Funk, M., & Garcia, A. (2020). Azoresbot: An Arduino Based Robot for Robocup Competitions. In M. F. Silva, J. Luís Lima, L. P. Reis, A. Sanfeliu, & D. Tardioli (Eds.), Robot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference (Vol. 1092, pp. 542–552). Springer International Publishing.
Cascalho, J., Pedro, F., Mendes, A., Funk, M., Ramos, A., & Novo, P. (2021). Azoresbot v2: A new robot for learning robotics and science at schools. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), 62–67.
Cascalho, J., Trigo, P., Cruz, M., Mendes, A., Giacomello, E., Ressurreição, A., Dentinho, T., & Morato, T. (2019). SIMSEA: A Multiagent Architecture for Fishing Activity in a Simulated Environment. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 1, 202–209.
Cavique, L., Mendes, A. B., Martiniano, H. F. M. C., & Correia, L. (2018). A biobjective feature selection algorithm for large omics datasets. Expert Systems, 35(0), e12301.
Funk, M., Cascalho, J., Funk, M., Novo, P., Pedro, F., & Mendes, A. (2021). Paper-Code-Az: Steps for Assembling a Paper-Code for an Educational Robotic System. In Á. Rocha, H. Adeli, G. Dzemyda, F. Moreira, & A. M. Ramalho Correia (Eds.), Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies (Vol. 1368, pp. 348–355). Springer International Publishing.
Funk, M., Cascalho, J., Santos, A. I., Pedro, F., Medeiros, P., Amaral, B., Domingos, M., Ramos, A., & Mendes, A. (2022). A simple interactive robot to promote computational thinking. Frontiers in Computer Science, 4.
Funk, M. G., Cascalho, J. M., Santos, A. I., & Mendes, A. B. (2021). Educational Robotics and Tangible Devices for Promoting Computational Thinking. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8, 340.
Luís Cavique, Mariana Cavique, & Armando B. Mendes. (2021). Integration of UML Diagrams from the Perspective of Enterprise Architecture. In Rocha Á., Adeli H., Dzemyda G., Moreira F., & Ramalho Correia A.M. (Eds.), WorldCIST 2021: Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies (Vol. 1366, pp. 459–468). SpringerLink.
Luís Cavique, Mariana Cavique, Armando Mendes, & Miguel Cavique. (2022). Improving information system design: Using UML and axiomatic design. Computers in Industry, 135(103569), 1–12.
Matthias G. Funk, José Cascalho, Francisco Pedro, André Behr, Paulo Medeiros, & Armando B. Mendes. (2022). Climbing a Volcano: A New Robotic Competition. In Mohammad Osman Tokhi, Manuel F. Silva, Khaled Goher, Matthias Funk, Armando B. Mendes, & José Cascalho (Eds.), Robotics in Natural Settings (Vol. 530, pp. 414–422). Springer.
Parretti, P., Canning-Clode, J., Mendes, A. B., & Costa, A. C. (2020). Who, why and how: Stakeholder attitudes toward marine non-indigenous species management in Portuguese Atlantic Islands. Ocean & Coastal Management, 188, 105069.
Pedro, F., Cascalho, J., Medeiros, P., Novo, P., Funk, M., Ramos, A., Mendes, A., & Lima, J. (2021). Azbot-1C: An Educational Robot Prototype for Learning Mathematical Concepts. In A. I. Pereira, F. P. Fernandes, J. P. Coelho, J. P. Teixeira, M. F. Pacheco, P. Alves, & R. P. Lopes (Eds.), Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications (pp. 657–669). Springer International Publishing.
Rosa, A., Mendes, A., Santos, J., & Cavique, L. (2019). Unha Análise Non Paramétrica Sobre a Eficiencia e a Produtividade dos Países Europeos en Tecnoloxía e Propiedade Intelectual. Proceedings, 198–201.
Santos, A. I., Costa, A. C., Botelho, A. Z., Parente, M. I., Cascalho, J., Freitas, D., Behr, A., Rodrigues, A., & Mendes, A. B. (2022). Learning Objects in the Educational Context: The Perspective of Teachers in the Azores. Education Sciences, 12(5), 1–16.
Reports in Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Activity by students
Software for SIMSEA simulation (NETLOGO).
Software for Agent0 - Environment in Python for Programming Reactive and Problem-Solving Agents (, 2009.