Project AzoBOPI
Be Open to the Power of Innovation!
Objetivo | Goal
This project aims to create the low-cost open-source robot to be used in elementary schools of the Azores (ages 6-12).
Descrição | Overview
This project is in collaboration with a doctoral project at University of Lisbon and it'll be used as part of a research to evaluate the use of the robot to learn mathematical concepts. The steps are described bellow.
Step 1: Building the robot.
Step 2: Testing the robot.
Step 3: Using the robot in schools with instructions to assemble and to use its interface to program the robot.
Step 4: Create a specific IDE with blockly programming language.
Ferramentas | Tools
Materiais para a construção do robô (robótica)
Programação em linguagem C (IDE do Arduino) e construção de blocos na ferramenta Blockly (programação + robótica)
Simulação do robô em plataforma de simulação (robótica + AI)
First Prototype (april 2020).
Second Prototype (may 2021)
Final Prototype (june 2021)
Robô Azbot-1C in its last version (sep. 2021)
The cover is made by 3D printing.
Robot with possibility to use micro::bit
Equipa | Team
Francisco Pedro
Paulo Novo
José Cascalho
Armando Mendes
Alberto Ramos